Thursday, April 30, 2009


...I am having a funky week!
Lately I have put a lot of thought in how I am doing as a Mom!?
And to be brutally honest with myself along with anyone who may read this blog I am starting to worry! Don't get me wrong I think, I try to be the best Mom I can be....but at times the outcome is hmm...
I have never thought that being a Mom would be an easy job! But I also never thought that it would be so dang hard either! And every day it seems to get harder! Shouldn't it be getting easier...I have 3 children this should be a cake walk right? WRONG!
Okay let's face it every...EVERY Mom wants what is best for their children or should want what is best for their children, but how do you know what is best?!
I mean I look at them....
OMGosh I do not want them to grow up and say... ...I get one chance to make the right choice for them and that is IT! One chance! And I can't help but question myself "Am I doing the right thing?" They depend on me, or us for I better get it right! That is a lot of pressure! I mean I am raising 3 (beautiful) kids, and sometimes I can't help but wonder how can I do that when the laundry that I gathered, sorted, washed, dried, and folded is still sitting in the basket not put away?! Or when my oldest kid (not going to mention any names) brings home a not so great grade that reflects on me...or when my daughter (again no names) says something not so nice about another kid...reflects again on me...or lets say my youngest (you are getting it...NO NAMES) throws a fit unlike any other, yup all together now..." who is to blame" "ME" I do have great kids all in all...and yes that is a reflection of Johnny and I as parents. I only Pray that those reflections stand out more than the not so great ones! And I am sure that I am not the only parent who questions themselves at one time or another! Just wonder how my parents did it... You know with me being so perfect and all, never causing any trouble, always getting good grades, and never throwing fits!! HA! Maybe the old saying is true... "you will have one just like you" Hmmm.... So see I am having a funky week...I am sure that you have had those kinds of weeks too! And if so....please share! You know so I can have some proof that I am not the only CrAzY Mom out there!!!


Coolwhip said...

No, you are not alone, and you are most definitely NOT crazy!! If motherhood was easy the men would do it, right!?!? ;o)It's only natural to want the very best for your kids, as parents that's what we all want. However, we are only human afterall, and to my knowledge no one is perfect. I think the best thing we can do as parents is love our kids unconditionally, teach them right from wrong, teach them values & morals, and be gracious enough to admit when we are wrong, and be humble enough to say we're sorry when we really screw things up. In other words, hold ourselves up to the standards that we expect from our kids. I mean, when they do something wrong do we not demand them to instantly give an apology?!

Anyway, I think as mothers were too hard on ourselves. We're not always going to get it right. And you know what?! It's okay when and if that happens. The world is not going to come to a screeching halt if we scream at our kids, or don't make them eat their veggies. And I can guarantee you this; while I know that Brian wonders if he's doing the best he can as a father, it doesn't consume his pshyche like it does me, and most other mothers I know. I am sure the say can be said of Johnny, too.

So try not to sweat the small stuff, and just enjoy your kids. And know that you are not alone is this battle of ours. And as women, we have this built in sisterhood of sorts; MOTHERHOOD!! Love ya!! (((HUGS)))

Unknown said...

WOW ANG!! I could not have said that better myself! So I will settle for " AMEN SISTER!!"