Wednesday, December 3, 2008

lights, tree, CHEESE!!!

Okay so this picture is BAD...but you get it...right? I thought I would show off J's hard work with the lights! They really do look pretty! And here is the living room tree...funny I think I have this same picture from last year.
Austin, Miley, Cash, Belle & Allie
And our Ohio State Fans!!! The dogs are both wearing their OSU jerseys...Belle was not really happy about this. But she did like the fact that I let her in the living room for the picture!!
So as I promised, pictures of the tree...okay I know only one of them! And not the one you want, Steve...but it is almost, so close, I can taste it, done! Maybe by Sunday?!
Nothing really going on around here. Johnny will be having his very permanent surgery this Friday...maybe...okay he is! Wish him luck! We told Allie tonight she almost lost her spaghetti!! As I said the basement is soooo close to being done! We and many of our dear family and friends have been working very hard to help us get it done!! I told J last night that we would be glad to get the house completely finished, but not as glad as everyone that has, is and will help us will be!! We are just so blessed to have so many loving, caring and handy people in our lives!!
That is all for now...keep checking back for the updated pictures!!


Unknown said...

Everything looks beautiful. You're friends are blessed to have you too!!! Love, Cheryl

Steve and Carolina said...

I can be patient....

Cash has the most awesome smile!! Or does he oddly have to sneeze everytime a picture is taken? Seriously, I love it...he is awesome.

Tree looks great, family looks great!