Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Visit with Dad!

Okay I am a couple days behind....
Happy 1 year Anniversary Jess & Kelly
and we wish you many more years of happiness!
So I told you that my Dad came home for a short weekend visit! We had a great time! The kids were so happy to have him home! And so were we! Sunday my mom made sloppy Joe's, cole slaw AND pumpkin log!!! It was SOOO yummy! And while I was at Church with A and A, Johnny stayed home with Cash and made chili! It was yummy too! Jess, Kelly and Layne were here too! It was nice to spend the day with our family!! Unfortunately we had to let mom take dad back is kind of a joke who gets the most time with him while he is here!

Monday afternoon-evening we went over to Mom and Dad's to visit some more! Again the whole crew! And again we had a great time! Lots of laughter and fun! If my dad living far away has taught me anything it is to take time to enjoy each other as much as you can! And we DO!!! Mom ordered pizza for all she said she wanted to just do something quick so we would all have time to visit...BUT she also made a coffee cake that was really W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L!!! And a snickers desert that was W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L too!! So after full belly's I wanted to shoot some pics....Kate really do I have to sit up in my chair...ok you had to be there!

These days Cash is not an easy kid to get in pictures!! "dat my balls" ok another you had to be there!!!

Actually it was not easy to get this picture either..."he is my my dad"!!!!

I love ya Jess....but he was my dad first!!!! LOL!!!

Thanks for coming home dad!!! And ma thanks for sharing!!!!

I think the leaving part was a little easier this time...I said a little and I meant a little...knowing that he will be home in just a month or so to stay for a couple months! Not for my Allie, she is ready to have him home...NOW...okay we all are!!!


Coolwhip said...

So glad you all had a wonderful visit with your dad and extended family!! If I've come to realize anything about time recently, it's do not ever take it for granted!! Can't wait to hear all about his next trip home!! ;o)

Steve and Carolina said...

I don't know where your dad is, but I know id be lost without mine..... Good to see you got to hang with him. Keep up the blogging!! I will try to do a better job of commenting!!