Sunday, October 19, 2008

this thing is really PI**ING me off tonight... what I was trying to say was that Church was AMAZING this morning our old pastor Rob is back from a 14 mo stay in India. He was over there to do some along with hearing him I rocked out along with the entire congregation to my favorite song... why do I have to be so dumb when it comes to computers....sorry I needed to vent and I really wanted you all to know what I was trying to say when it ever so rudely just took off half of my blog.....okay...I feel better now.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are NOT dumb with computers - blogging is tricky and not only the most user friendly. I'm sure somewhere on this website they have all sorts of hints and tips that would help us immensely...but like a couple men...we haven't read them!!! Loved the pics from the park!!! Made me sorry we didn't make it back earlier. Byt he time we got there you guys were gone (or leaving according to Sam) and Liam hardly got any candy at all. It really wasn't worth rushing back for.