Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We are counting ourselves lucky this week.... WE DO HAVE POWER! Unlike TOO many others! Sunday afternoon the winds were....crazy, unbelievable, unlike anything I had ever seen! We were without power for about 4-5 hrs. Since we do not have many trees we did not have what some people are still cleaning up. The kids are still out of school and could be for a couple more days. I love having them home with me so this is GREAT! My mom still has no power so she is hanging out with us! And that is GREAT too! Her and Austin and Allie went over to her house today to get what they could out of her fridge and freezer...we will be eating like kings for awhile...it is amazing to me how you can live in the same town with some people and they have nothing while we are not affected...of course the gas prices are going to kill us...good thing we really do not have to go anywhere. Johnny has the work truck so his gas to and from work is pd for!! Thank God for that! Angel called Sunday to tell us that a big tree in her yard fell and completely destroyed her Durango : ( So again we will count ourselves...blessed!!

1 comment:

Coolwhip said...

I am so jealous of your power......thank God for the generator. I shouldn't be online right now, but I just HAD to post an update on our blog. Anyway...sorry I called so early this morning...I didn't realize it was only 8:30...I thought it was after 9!! Enjoy your day...with power!! :o)~