Wednesday, September 3, 2008


First day of Middle School It was up early this morning (5:00am) Austin has always been really good about getting up on time! Shower and breakfast, brush the teeth and out the door to catch the bus at 6:08...only no bus until 6:50! We sat and sat and sat....finally I called to see where the bus was..."just a little behind schedule" "A LITTLE BEHIND" We had been out there for 55 min. So after waiting yup...the bus came ...and took my little boy! Can you believe it? Did you hear me? THAT BUS TOOK MY BABY!!! The nerve!!! Okay so I knew it was going to happen, he grew up! I just did not think it would happen SOOOooooo fast! Middle School...Eeewwww! I just do not even like the sound of that!
Okay so here she is folks....

PRINCESS Ready for 3rd grade!

The question? Is third grade ready for her?

Allie is my "sleeper" Beauty rest as she would call it! This morning the minute I called "Pooh Bear" she was up! Because we have been so busy we did not have time to paint nails and do the girl-y stuff, well by golly we were doing it this morning! How dare I think she could enter the third grade and not have a Mani-pedi?! Stupid me! Good thing she was so eager to get up on time! So out the door at 8:30 to take her to her first day of third grade! She acted more nervous than Austin...not really sure why...she had no problem telling us at supper last night that she plans on being "homecoming queen" How do you figure? Her reply....and she is 8..."well I am dating the quarterback, and we are both really popular" Not sure who choked first...Mommy, Daddy or BIG Brother? Oh I tell ya, that girl is going to be something someday!


Unknown said...

You got your hands full with that girl! I almost feel sorry for Cole!

dad said...

Wow, what great looking kids, you are for sure going to reap what you have sown. You guys are raising some terrific kids. Keep the blogs comming.
Love you all Dad

Reid said...

Hey guys! I love reading bout you guys on your blog! Austin's first day sounded A LOT like mine! my bus was late and well, i got to get up a 7:00! Cant wait to hear from ya! Love, Reid