3 yrs ago, I would have told you that I wanted to have another baby, Johnny...NO! And when we found out that it was going to happen, well...we NEVER thought we needed to prepare ourselves for this!!! We can not imagine life with out this child! And when I say we...I do mean ALL of us! I have heard people say "if this child was my first he/she would have been my last" I always thought whatever, that is crazy talk...
BUT....no just kidding...maybe...Okay so I posted that he has been going in the potty. That is still the case...at night before bath he goes in the potty! Today he is taking his nap, which by the way is not normal, we do not always get a nap, so I am on the computer and I hear him get up and he is walking in the office...."honey" (yes, he calls me honey) "ook, its poop" POOP?! Yes he got in his diaper and brought me what he could find! Neither of my other children EVER and I will stress E.V.E.R brought me POOP! After disinfecting...we go outside to play (you gotta let this baby burn some energy) I am planting some bulbs and I turn around he's gone...I knew he had not gotten to far, I was just talking with him, with this ever expanding vocabulary he has, he can really carry on a conversation with you! Okay so I find him out back with Johnny's golf club, swinging at the cat...1. Allie's cat is not aloud outside (per the 8 yr old Allie) 2. she is a big cat, but a GOLF CLUB....CASH COME ON!!! The kids get home later, he has beaten Austin with a toy nerf gun, he has climbed up onto the counter, he has pulled ALL of the DVD's out of the TV stand, rips Allie's papers! AAAAAAHHHHH! And then...yes there is a then, at football practice he spit on Johnny...and did the ever so gross sound when you are about to spit like a man, right in my face when I asked for a kiss!!!!!!!! So after dinner which he cried almost all the way through, you know because "idon" "honey, idon" Johnny tells us that he (Cash) not Johnny can burp on command! WHAT! And so he proceeds to show us..."Cash, can you burp?" YUP he sure can! OVER and OVER and OVER again!!!
OH PEOPLE....pray for me!!! My Dad used to tell me this would happen....I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED!!!!!!! SORRY Mom and Dad!!!!!
Okay so this a day with Cash Wilson!!!!
I must admit to you....I LOVE EVERY MINUTE...well except for the POOP!!!!
Too cute, and I must admit, I nearly peed my pants with the POOP incident!! LOL He's a doll...cherish every second with him...before you know it, he'll be 8 years old!! (((HUGS)))
I so totally wished this child on you...i hope your eating every bit of admonishment you ever said to me about dealing with Liam. Seriously, every one should have at least (okay, ONLY) one Cash/Liam...lol.
So good to hear he is just like his Papaw Berkeley!! The golf club and the cat priceless!! He has showed you now, he is not afraid of s--t!!! What a great kid, I can't wait to hang out with him.
Love you all,
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