Monday, August 25, 2008

Wow, it has been a week since I last posted! So that will tell you just how busy we are!
Austin's game last Wednesday went great! He had lots of fun! Could not tell you if he won or lost...does not much matter, he played well! Allie did great while cheering for him! She looked like she knew what she was doing, they all did! And I say that with pride because I am the other coach! Friday, I was able to clean out the garage! Ewww! But it is done now! I was also able to get my closet and Johnny's cleaned out! I had already done the kids! Again something I did not think I would be doing this soon after moving in....but....So a truck load to Goodwill! I love to be able to give the kids clothes to friends but ours...not so much! Saturday Austin had weigh in...79.4 pounds! What that means to him...given the opportunity he can carry the ball. After weigh in the boys played several teams in their division. Austin again did very well! Johnny spent the afternoon helping Vince with some "dirt moving" The kids and I had team pics! Cash spent the afternoon with Mamaw! After pics, I played in a softball game with a couple friends from Church! I had TONS of fun! Did not do too bad for not playing in 3+ yrs! And I am hear to tell you...I am as sore as it gets! Every time I play ball it takes me back to playing when my Dad coached me! I swear I could hear him "keep your eye on it Kate" "Can of corn" "unhitch the plow" However, Dad you would have been proud of me! 2 doubles, a single, and a TRIPLE! I won't mention the BIG K...the dropped fly ball...or the fact that I threw yes threw my glove because I was so pissed! Okay so the attitude is still there!!!! Sunday Johnny, Cash and I went to breakfast and then I went to the craft show with Cheryl! Oh how I love the craft shows! So you see it has been BUSY around here! School starts in 8 days and I have a list a mile long of things to do when the kids go back! But until then....we have tons of stuff to squeeze in this week and weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I did it...I forwarded you the link, but i can't get a pic to post. You'll have to help me figure out what I'm doing wrong!!