Saturday, May 2, 2009

A better weekend...

So after my last post I want to thank those of you who commented or sent an email telling me I am NOT CrAzY!! Actually, when I got up the next morning...I knew I was doing just what I need to do to raise my children the best way we can! And this morning Austin went to watch a friend play ball and a mom actually sent me a text message to tell me that I had the most wonderful, polite son she had ever met...could she have him? I replied with a HUGE NO YOU MAY NOT...and of course a HUGE THANK YOU!!! I am sure that I will have many days where I feel like I may not be doing what I need to do to raise our children, however I have made a promise to myself that I will take a minute to really pay close attention to them and see that Johnny and I are just what they need!!!
It has been raining here for what seems like days...ugh!!! I had a list of things that needed done as soon as the rain stopped and Thank You, Jesus!!!! Today the sun has been out all day! A little chilly...but no rain!!! I am so proud of my little lilac bush I planted last year...Yeah for me it is doing so well and it smells wonderful and looks so pretty! I must admit that I am NOT a fan of purple flowers, funny because purple is my favorite color...just not on a flower! But I love this lilac bush....
Anyways, first order of business...get the flower bed out back ready!!! I planted a few bulbs and some climbing clematis! I can't wait to see how it turns out!! Next, weed the front flower bed....
Then, till up the garden...mow...weedeater...
check, check, check....
Finally, stain the french doors in the back...
All 5 of them!!!
So, you see we are busy people today! Now time to crash!
We have a full day tomorrow too!!!
Oh and I wanted to give a shout out to my Dad!!! Hope you are feeling better!!! Can't wait to see you....SOON!!!!

1 comment:

Coolwhip said...

The doors look great!! My guys were busy bees today!! ;o) I have white lilacs...if you're interested in getting a start from one, let me know!! =D I don't mind sharing!! Praying for sunshine for Sunday!!