Monday, January 19, 2009

game night....

Last night The Garrett's came over! We had cheese soup (not bad for the first time making it) Cheryl brought over some bread (very good) and we sat down to play some on! Cheryl was determined to beat Johnny this time...and she did!! You go girl! It was lots of fun!! Austin and Sam only made it about half way on their own and then decided that if they combined their score and put their brains together they would do better!
While we were playing the game we kept seeing the girls run by, in different clothes every time! And when we asked them to slow down this is what we saw....
They were trying to be evil (I don't think they needed the make-up for that!!) But they were trying to be evil to these adorable little faces.... Can you believe it?! The two that are always getting the bad rap were just as sweet as ever! and look at those faces...Oh My Goodness they are just too cute!!!! Anyways we had a great time and will be looking forward to the next game night!!! Today, Johnny went to work! I cleaned house! And the kids were lazy! They were so good today! For being out of school and home for the past 4 days they were great! We had dinner early and I even made.....drum roll please.... Blueberry bread! And I cut a piece right before I started this post and ummmm it was gone before the pictures uploaded...not all of it, just the piece I cut!!! So it was a success!!! Go me!! In other news it is still cold here it still continues to snow and I unfortunately think it may be hanging out for awhile...Oh well what are you gonna do....MOVE?! Probably not going to happen!


Unknown said...

If I may say so myself...we have awfully cute kids!! LOVE that pic of Cash and Liam!! The bread looks delish! I am very impressed and you better save me a piece!!

Coolwhip said...

That bread looks awesome!! Oh...the pics of the kids are cracking me up!! Cash just looks all too serious!! Talk to you soon!