Monday, November 17, 2008


I know. I know. It has been awhile since I last posted!!! Here is a quick update on what is going on...I say quick because that laundry won't fold itself, Kroger's won't deliver my groceries, the totes will not magically put themselves away in the basement (that is getting closer to being ready for paint) the dishes won't rinse off and run ever so nicely to the dishwasher to be cleaned, okay you get it, I have a lot to do...
  1. still no results from the last biopsy
  2. still wearing this beautiful band aid on my nose
  3. finally looked at it today
  4. want it to be over
  5. Cash's 2ND Birthday is in 2 days
  6. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it
  7. did some Christmas shopping last night
  8. I love Christmas
  9. it was really snowing when we got up this morning
  10. started our mom's prayer group last week ( love it )
  11. my dad is home for the winter...this should have been #1
  12. if you count today only 38 days left til Christmas
  13. I miss Johnny~he has been working 7 days a week~
  14. the phone is ringing...

Cash is getting into something...Gotta go!!!


Coolwhip said...

Mom's prayer group?!?!? I love it too!!! And WHAT???!! Only 38 day s until Christmas.....not enough time, not enough's alright, I'll be okay!! lol Have a great week and enjoy having your dad home!

Unknown said...

I have to tell you that while I was updating my blog this evening Liam put a glass Christmas bulb (like a decoration) on the end of a pencil and shot the pencil ornament end first with his bow and arrow. Needless to say it made quite a racket when it hit the wall. When I went back to see what he had broken he was trying to hide the glass pieces behind his stuffed alligator seat. THAT, my dear. is what you have to look forward to. It's not going to get any better...LOL!