Monday, March 23, 2009


It was a beautiful weekend...
But, honestly I really don't have much to say... I wanted to get these pictures up...
But, now I am crying...AGAIN...
Maybe I should have saved this post for Wordless Wednesday?!
Or maybe I should just be very grateful that he has a job and is not searching like many others we know...and that his job is something he loves...
...well I am grateful for those things and many other things...still does not make it any easier....


Coolwhip said...

Honey...I'm sorry you're so sad!! (((HUGS)))

Unknown said...

Awww, sweetie,I wish i could tell you it eventually gets easier, but it NEVER DOES! Saying goodbye to your daddy just SUCKS...ALWAYS! Your pics are great though! and Thank God you and the kids had all winter with him! I wish I had that! Love you!