Friday, March 26, 2010

Conversations with Cash!

ME~ Guess who's here?
CASH~ Is it Auntie?
ME~ It is, Auntie and the baby!
CASH~ Mommy the snow is back?
ME~ (not happy) Yes, the snow is back!
CASH~ MOMMY, your not nice! You said the snow was gone for a long time! I neeeeeeeded to play outside today! That is lying!
CASH~ Mommy?
ME~ Chuggie...
CASH~ Can you put my legs like this and my head like this so my head can spin around like Austin's wrestlers?
ME~ No, Chuggie. We can't do that we are real people. And real people's heads don't spin
around like wrestling figures.
CASH~ UGH...that is NOT fair!
CASH~ Mommy?
ME~ Yea Cash....
CASH~ When I get big like Daddy, I am going to be HUGE!
***at the mall the other day***
ME~ Cash, look there is the Easter Bunny that you saw last week!!!
CASH~ (throwing his hands at the Easter Bunny) YEA, I don't even like him!! He did not bring me those golf clubs I told him I wanted!
ME~ is not even Easter yet!!!
CASH~ Don't worry Mommy...Daddy cleaned up the dog shit in the garage!!
CASH~ Don't worry Mommy...Daddy cleaned up the dog shit in the garage!!
ME~ (not about to say WHAT again) Oh okay Cash, and it is dog poop!
CASH~ because shit is a bad word Mommy?
ME~ Yes, please don't say that anymore!
a couple days later....
ME~ (dropping something) shit!
CASH~ MOOOOOMMMMYYY....don't say that! That is a bad word!
outta the mouths of babes!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That boy is a HOOT!!!! LOL