Saturday, April 3, 2010

last week....OMGoodness!!!!

WHEW!!!! This past week....O my goodness!!!
Short version of our week goes like this...
Sunday I am in ball meetings ALL day and from what I hear so was half of Morrow County...please please please DO NOT fault ME for that one...get home from the ball meetings, spend an hour crying "Lord am I doing the right thing?"
Get up Monday morning, pack several lunches, get 3 kids ready to head out the door, take them to Grandma and Grandpa LaFever's, off to school for me...7am to 3:15pm...stop to pick up Allie and Cash go wait at the school for Austin and his crew, stop at subway grab some dinner, do 3 1/2 hours of homework...just ME!!! Yup that is pretty much how Tuesday went, except throw a Spring Concert in the mix...gotta say, BEST by far Spring Concert I have attended EVER!!!!!
Beatles Theme!!!!
Allie and her BFF Carlie She looked so darn cute!!! Wednesday same routine as prior days...-Spring Concert + first track meet and first softball practice!!! Both went really well!!! Austin did very good at the meet. He did not place in hurdles BUT he did not knock any over either!!! Allie loves her team and showed her talent!!! Thursday same routine - homework and meets and practices + the Easter Bunny needed to do some shopping!!! Friday....okay your getting it...and when we got home CHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This morning, Allie had practice, Austin went to the track meet! We colored Easter Eggs...well Allie, Cash and I...did not know there was an age limit on when to stop coloring eggs for Easter?? Apparently I was wrong!!! Tonight we are going to hang out with some friends, and tomorrow Easter at our house with Mom, Jess, Kelly, John and Linda!! Then for me, Homework and back at it again on Monday!!! This is crazy people...good thing this class is only 2 weeks!! I gotta tell ya...LOVIN IT!!!! Can not wait to keep on going!!!! For now I will leave you with one more picture of my "HiPpIe ChIcK" Love this girl!!!!!!!

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