Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It is that time of year!
My Ma always calls it "bitter/sweet"
Time for sunshine and warm weather, baseball/softball, birds chirping, fresh air, new flowers....
and for some, it's back to work!! For this someone back to work is not close to home!
Back to work for my Dad is 2.5 hours away!! And to some that is nothing!
To is 2.5 hours away!!
While I'm glad it is not any further, it still makes me sad that it's not around the corner!! So, last night I made dinner and we hung out before Dad headed out to work (for the summer/fall)
Lots of kisses!!!!
(this picture does have a story and if you were here last night your probably still laughing)
(and if you were not here and your just seeing this picture...I bet it is melting your heart)
(it is mine)
Papaw and his grandkids!!
I hope my kids know that they are going to have to share their "Big squeeze" with their little cousin SOON!!!!
I will try to blog more now!!! But NO promises...School for me on Monday!!!
While your waiting for my next blog.....

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