Thursday, June 25, 2009

She is here....and some other news!

Emma Rose
7lbs 15 oz
19 1/2 inches
Mommy and Daddy are sooo very Proud!!!
As they should be!!! And so are her cousins!!! This girl is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Cash says she is HIS!! And wanted to take her home!!
Well who am I kidding....
So did Allie and I!!!
Unfortunately we had to leave her with her Mommy and Daddy!!
BUT we will be looking forward to ANY and ALL babysitting calls we may get?!
In other news it is HOT here!! No we are not complaining~
Ball is still going strong! Both Austin and Allie won their games Tuesday night: )
I did not get to see AJ play, but Johnny says he did very well! And so did Al!
Our little catcher, was getting very hot behind the plate so I moved Allie there for the last inning....and people she caught a foul ball!!!!!!!!!!! I was SoOoO proud of her!!!!!!!
Tonight Austin plays the #2 team in the league....Should be a good game...we are #1!!!! Yup after a 3 year losing streak these boys are #1!!!!!! Allie plays tomorrow night and then only 2 more games and it will be time for tournaments! This season is just flyin' by!!!!
Cash is still going to the potty: ) He is doing really well!! I am so Proud of him!!!
Tomorrow will wrap up VBS for the week! Allie is really loving it this year: ) This is really huge for her! She has not found the love for Church or VBS until now!! Thank You Pastor Larry!!!
Now it is off to clean : ( Steal kisses from my kids : )) Do dishes : ( Grab hugs from my kids : ))Laundry : ( Snuggle with my kids : )) ......
Oh the life of a SAHM!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is BEATIFUL!! Tell Brooke and Damian we say congrats!!! Really excited about tonights game!! On edge even!