Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A night at home....

There are NO nights at home this week OR next week! 2 kids playing ball = a busy summer...hmmm I wonder what I will call it when 3 kids are playing ball?! Well, lucky for us we have a year or two...
So I feel really bad. I have LOTS of pictures of Austin's games and None, Zero, Zilch of Allie. Guess that happens when you are the coach. Maybe I will have Johnny takes some at her game tomorrow?!
Austin down, to get away from a wild pitch... And back up! I totally missed the action shot...he had a SWEET hit, right down first base line, past the first baseman, hard. They lost the game...but no need to worry, they play again tonight and fingers crossed they will bring home a win!!! What did Cash bring home last night? OH so glad you asked......
DIRT!!! LOTS and LOTS of DIRT!!!!
Proof was in the tub!!!!
He did stay busy the entire game. Shoes on, shoes off, shoes on, shoes off.... in the dirt pile, out of the dirt pile....
"Cash smile for the camera".....
Check out that dirty...I mean cute little face!!!! ...and the other dirty...cute faces!!!
Allie, Brandon, Chellsea and Cash
So that is what we have been up too! Softball, Baseball, Softball, Baseball...REPEAT!!!
Oh and in the mornings Austin has been going to Basketball camp!!!
I tell ya, no rest for me!!!


Coolwhip said...

I feel your pain!! Wednesday's are our night "off" but I'm usually so tired from running around all weekend, and then having games Monday & Tuesday nights that I don't usually get much done!! I'm hoping to remember my camera for their games, so I can get some shots of them actually playing ball!! How's basketball camp going?

Unknown said...

Two kids, three kids...doesn't make much difference if you ask me! Chaos is chaos...sometimes you just run chaotically in different directions! Lol
You know she's yours if you need her!!