Sunday, June 28, 2009

The beach is that way--->

Okay so it was not "the beach" BUT it was "a" beach...with water and sun and gravel-y sand!!
And it was nice and refreshing on this HOT day!!!
Saturday Johnny had a golf outing and Allie had a swim party to go to. So the boys and I took off with Tim and Brandy and their kids to have some fun! Johnny met us there later!
The kids really had a ton of fun!
And so did we!!
Cash was "surfin the waves"
He was not too sure about the water at first! So he did a lot out of the water! It did not take too long and he was in with the rest of the kids!
It was a fun day! I am sure we will do it again soon!!!
This week is the last week of baseball/softball. Before tournaments! The Farson kids will be coming over to hang out with us a couple days. Our Martha Moms group is going to the pool!
And, I am hoping to get back over to see Miss Emma~can't get enough!!!
Another busy week!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great time! Where did you go? Alum Creek?