Wednesday, February 25, 2009


A lot going on and no pics in this post...sorry!! I know a lot of you that are reading from out of town like to get pics and I almost always try, but today just news! Please pray for Johnny's uncle Jim as he is close to passing. He has been very sick and is ready to be with Jesus! Austin was upset tonight because we did not go over to see him and we tried to tell him that Uncle Jim did not want visitors. However he did witness a very special thing this past summer with Austin and I being baptised. He was there and it really made his day to know that Austin had made such a mature decision. We also told Austin that Uncle Jim would be so happy to see Jesus and Grandpa Hendrickson!! So pray with us that he will go peacefully and that the family will be strong for each other. Only 3 more days until Austin's BIG night! He is the "star of the show" Pirates of Penzance that is...Fredric is the role he is playing! This is a huge part and no other underclassman has ever gotten the part! This is really big! People we could really be looking at the next...Brad Pitt!!! (thanks cheryl) Really he is so excited and so are we! I hope to get tons of pics and maybe even figure out how to post a movie clip on here! But either way I will let you know how our "star" does!! Sunday, Allie woke up sick...poor Al! She is just not a good "sickie" She laid on the couch all day, in and out of naps! Monday I sent her to school...great mom, I know...I feel that "mother of the year award" with my name all over it!!!! Got that call from the school around 10:30...
  • me~ hello
  • school~ um katie this is _________.
  • me~ oh hi (shy)...
  • school~ Allie is in the office she is saying her head hurts really bad, she has a tummy ache, her throat is scratchy and she can not breathe out of her nose....
  • me~ yea um I probably should not have sent her to school today huh...?
  • school~ well....?
  • me~ uh yea I will be there to get her oh on second thought my sister was on her way here I will just have her pick Allie up.
  • school~ ooookaaay....
  • me~ thanks
  • school~ bye
  • me~ bye

I hang up the phone and bang my head against the wall....why did I send her? Well by that night she was feeling better still stuffy but most other symptoms gone! Still not getting that "mother of the year award" huh? Oh well maybe I can make up for it....

So Tuesday night I get Cash to lay down at 7:30....I know great huh?! Ummm well by 8 he was up croupin and gaggin and you name now he has it! Is cold season about over? Really? Is it? Now I have to keep both Allie and Cash as far away from Austin as I can with out just moving them out of the house...hmmm there is a thought....kidding!!! but keep them away from Austin so he is not sick for Saturday! Oh the joys of being a mother!!! To top this off...I just pick the best of times...we are starting to potty~train....

So I watched "Fireproof" with my grandparents when they were in town...great movie!!! Highly recommend it to ALL couples!! I have it if anyone wants to see it let me know!!! Well tonight I bought the book that goes with it "The Love Dare" I am so excited to start it! Johnny was teasing me tonight "are you going to "love dare" me? "Why yes I am, Lovie! Are you up for it?" "Bring it on" he says!!! HA HA!!!! I just love him to pieces!!!!!!

Speaking of him...Lovie that is! He got his call today! He is going back to work on Monday! I am so happy! And so sad! I have really enjoyed having him home...but I think he is ready to go back. Thanks for all the prayers!

Tomorrow is a busy day with Jess and Grandma, so I need to be heading to bed! And I need to re-read chapter 1 in my new "love dare"

nighty, night~~


Unknown said...

We are excited about Austin's debut as well! If you need him to come over to our house to get away from the Sickies just let me know. Glad to hear Johnny got called back!

Coolwhip said...

Glad to hear Johnny got called back to work!! That's wonderful news!! Tell Austin to break a leg for us....I'd love to be there and witness his stage debut, but we've already made plans. :o( Can't wait to hear all about it!!