Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanks Great~Papaw...

While my grandparents were here, my grandpa had brought the kids some wood projects! The kids have been going crazy wanting to do "just one...PLEASE" So tonight we got out the tools and put on our aprons, and worked away!!
Cash wanted to do the Pirate Ship. Allie wanted the trinket box. And Austin wanted to do the ball and bat holder. There were a ton of each and more that we will do later! The projects they choose to do tonight fit them perfectly!
It looks like Cash is crying in this picture, he was actually doing his "cheese" but way to interested in the pirate ship to do his normal "cheese" I worked with him on the project~he did very well! He called the directions his map and so when I needed to see what was next I had to keep asking to see the "pirate ship map" Allie did this trinket box all by herself! She is so proud! And plans to put some of her "jewels" in it!
Austin need very little help with his ball and bat holder. And the only reason he needed any help at all was because he bent a nail. He learned quickly that you do not have to give it your all when pounding in the nails! He did a great job!
So that was fun! Thanks Great~Papaw! We will post another blog when we do another one!
Not much else going on here. It is snowing A.G.A.I.N....enough already!!! The kids were on a 2 hour delay today. The wind was crazy. I am sure that I have had as much winter as I want. Funny I really would be ok with no winter. We had our Martha Moms prayer group today! We all were in need of it! And it was great to see my girls and as always great food! I am looking forward to our next meeting! Oh and Nanny I told the girls about fireproof. Cheryl actually had the love dare book. So I told her I am for sure buying the movie and the book!! I really liked it. I think all the mom's sounded interested in it. So Thanks for bringing it!
Looks as though we have a full weekend. I will try and post again soon!!!!


Coolwhip said...

Way cool projects!! They did a fantastic job!!! And yes, today was very much needed for me. I bought the movie "Fireproof" at the Christian bookstore in Mansfield, but haven't yet been able to watch it. However, I plan to buy the book now!! lol

LaFever's said...

Yes Yes as I said today YOU MUST WATCH IT!!!! IT IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!