Monday, February 16, 2009

Our Visit...

Well our visitors have been here and gone...yup just that fast!
Nanny and Papaw arrived here last Wednesday evening from Wilmington safe and sound~
papaw & nanny
We all had a wonderful visit! Ever since I was a little kid I always looked forward to my visits with them. I was talking with Allie before I went to the airport with Dad, to pick them up, that I used to sing "I'm so excited" by the pointer sisters, before I would see family or friends that we had not seen in a long time~ No joke the song came on the radio like 10 minutes later!~ austin & nanny I am sure that we have all put on about 10 pounds this week from all the wonderful food that my Dad cooked for us! We ate like kings!! All homemade, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti, beef brisket, pork tenderloin, chicken Marsala....MMMMMmmm MMMMmmmm good!!! Thanks Dad and Mom for feeding our crew all week!!!!
cash, papaw, allie, nanny & austin
As you can see Allie got her hair all cut looks very cute she was hoping to get it done before our visit and Thanks to Aunt Brandy she did!! Cash was very entertaining with all of his tricks, singing the ABC's, Jesus loves me and let us not forget...STOP!!! Now when he sings it is ok, when he talks it is ok...BUT when you sing or want to talk...he shouts, STOP!!! I should probably not let him do this but he is sooo cute and well ok I know I should not let him do it~ Austin tried out for the play at school and guess what he got a lead part!!! So he entertained us with some lines from his play! The kids really enjoyed their time with Nanny and Papaw too!
allie, nanny, austin, cash & papaw

On Sunday we were so happy to have Nanny and Papaw join us for Church~ I love our Church~ and our Pastor~ and all of our Church family~ It was nice to introduce them to my grandparents! After Church I had everyone over to our house for lunch (nothing compared to what we had been eating) but...good company and tons of laughs!!

cash & his great-papaw
So this morning it was time to take them back to the airport...never something I look forward to! But I guess it had to be done! And poof just like that we are back to eating at home (not always homemade) and wishing the visit could have been longer!
So tonight as I sit and write this blog, tears fill my eyes~but the memories we have made warm my heart! I love you, Nanny and Papaw and look forward to our next visit together!!!


Unknown said...

Aw sweetie, I'm sorry you're sad. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I'm so glad you had a wonderful visit with them. I am proud of Austin, can't wait to see him in his play! I'll talk to you later...

Coolwhip said...

It's always so hard to say goodbye! I'm very happy that you all had a wonderful visit! So what play will Austin be starring in?? :o) And OH MY GOSH!! I adore Allie's hair!! It's so cute!! Aunt Brandy did a great job!!