Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 3 and 4!!!

Guess who was able to make it over to the "good list".....
Yup none other than our nose picking 3 year old!!!
Actually everyone made it on the "good list" this year!! Santa sure was good to the LaFever kids!!
Austin's gifts included....Mom finding his ipod 1 week before Santa arrived!!! GO ME!!!
Band Hero, video games, clothes and much more!!
Allie's gifts, ipod, clothes, shoes, and roller skates plus much more!!
Cash's gifts, DS...(which actually is a handheld Vtech game) but who are we to tell him any different....he wanted a DS), games, nerf guns, clothes and more!! I told you Santa was GOOD to these kids!!!!
Johnny and I were up at 7:30 to make coffee, sausage balls and cinnamon rolls!!! By 8am we had a house full!!! Auntie!!! It was so nice to have my everyone here with us Christmas morning!!
After everyone left we made it downstairs to try out.....Band Hero!!!
Poundin' on the drums we have....
Rockin' on the guitar....
And beltin' out some vocals....
After our mini concert we got ready to head over to my parents!!!
Would you believe that Santa left gifts there for the kids too!! Even the "big kids"!!!
And after we opened gifts we had a VERY YUMMY dinner!!!!
Along with lots of laughs!!! This is the part of Christmas that I love!!! Making memories that will last forever!!! Being with family!!!
I have included these last two pictures because I LOVE them!!!
My Dad got Cash a couple cap guns....and he LOVED them!!! He could not wait to go out and shoot Dad took him on the porch to shoot!!!
I don't know what they were talking about....I am very certain that it was "gun safety"
"Papaw!!! Did you see me shoot that squirrel? haha....that was awesome!!!"


Unknown said...

Great pics! You tell Cash if he picks it he eats it!!!! Happy New Years! Love you guys!

Coolwhip said...

So glad you all had a wonderful Christmas!! We did too!! Happy New Year, sweetie!! Love ya!!