Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas...take 2!!!

I am going to try and catch you up on what has been going on!!! But it is going to take me a day or so!!!!
So check back often!!!!
I am not sure if you ever check the "my profile" on the right here ->
If you do, you will notice I had to make a change. The week before Christmas we had to say goodbye to a VERY dear friend of ours....Mighty Miley!!!
My Grandparents made it in from NC!! We were so happy to have them here this Christmas!! My Nanny kept telling me..."Kate I want to spend Christmas with my family and LOTS of noise and kids laughing" BOY DID SHE GET THAT!!! More to come with that!!!!
Thursday...December 24, 2009! Christmas Eve!
Johnny had to work half a day. The kids and I invited Kim, Ron, the boys and John and Linda over during the day to help make some cOOkies!!! And to get ready for "LaFever Family Christmas"
The kids made their way outside....
You really can not see just how BiG this snowball is. HuGe!!! All 6 of the kids played outside for sometime.
When I invited the family to come out and help me with cOOkies, I was excited, Kim is a baker!! She always is making some cute little something!! Well to my surprise she did not come with the boys....So that left me and Allie and 7 yup 7 boys in the kitchen to make these cOOkies!! And you know what? They did GrEaT!!! Ian who is now 14, was my main helper!!! I would not have guessed that he would know the do's and don'ts when it came to baking cOOkies....I guess I was wrong!! Kim if your reading this....see they do listen!! Even when we think they are not!!!
I should not lead you to believe that this lasted all did not!! It was short lived, and Kim did make it to the rescue!!! Not before we had finished our cut out cookies that were.....lets just say, not easy to identify!!!
So 6:30 was here before we knew it and time for
"LaFever Family Christmas"
Do you think Emma looks like her Daddy....
right, right.....She is WAY CUTER!!!!!!!!!!
And what about this adorable little thing here.....
Miss Gabriella!!! WOW!!! B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.......just beautiful!!!!
Allie had tons of fun "babysitting" Gabriella and her also very beautiful sister, Naomi. She does not often get to spend "family time" with girls. Although it is getting a little more even with Miss Emma and Rochelle's girls!!! And we are adding a new little blessing soon too.....Adriene is going to be having a baby this spring!!! Maybe another girl?????
We played the dice game, had some very YUMMY food and spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing!!!
There you have it.....Christmas #2
Don't forget to check back soon....we still have Christmas #3, #4, #5 AND some wrestling shots and more new news!!!!

1 comment:

Coolwhip said...

KATIE!! It is sooooo good to see an update!! I've been thinking about you guys a lot!! (((hugs))) I was very sorry to hear about Miley...:o( Can't wait to read about Christmases 3-8...LOL