Thursday, January 21, 2010


Has it really been a week since I last posted a blog?!
I have been a busy girl!!
Let me start with Austin...he has been complaining of a sore knee for about 2 weeks. Now before you go thinking, "Why have you let this go for 2 weeks?" You must know my son...However after talking with his wrestling coach and having to sit out of the tournament this past weekend I decided if I was EVER going to get that "MOTHER OF THE YEAR!!!" award....I had better take him to have it looked at. So I did. After seeing the Dr and going to Childrens to have some xrays they have came up with....nothing!! He is fine!! Osgood slaughters maybe. So he will be wrestling this weekend!! And speaking of wrestling it is almost over. Next weekend will be it! And I am sure we will be on to something else!! No rest I tell ya!!
Allie....oh Allie!!! I had been telling her all weekend that I would take her and her brothers to do something. Before I knew it Monday was here and she was moping around giving me the sad eyes. So even after the previous nights we had....I will get to that in a minute...we got dressed and went to see The Chipmunks. What a cute movie....and then it was over...and as we are walking out of the theater.....I look over to get my eyes back on Cash and standing over the trash can is my daughter, throwing up!!! She did hit the trash can....right as Austin was throwing our trash away...yes you guessed it, she threw up all over Austin's arm!! Oh it was a long ride home!! She spent all day Tuesday in bed, she did not really run a temp. I am guessing that it was a little 24hr bug?! I am guessing this because..........
Saturday night, or maybe I should say Sunday early morning...Cash was in my room throwing up, he did not make it to a trash poor carpet!!! His bug lasted about 24hrs too! And then he was back to his normal self!! His normal, loud, needy, cute as ever, non-sleeping self!!!
Did I mention non-sleeping?????????
Ah. Who needs sleep?
I DO...I DO...I DO!!!!!!
Okay at 3 we should really be sleeping ALL night?! ummm ya....we are not!! Here lately if he gets 3-4 hours, he is golden!!! And I am including a nap in this 3-4 hour estimate!!! I am taking ANY and ALL suggestions on HOW TO GET YOUR CHILD TO SLEEP!!!!
Johnny is still working!!! I am prayerful that this will continue all winter. He is also getting ready to do some side jobs...gotta keep his non-working wife...AHEM...non-working!!! I love this man!!!!
And me....the non-working wife....I am busy being a wife, a mom, chef, maid, taxi, pirate, dishwasher, laundry do-er, dinosaur, bill payer, boo boo fixer, puke cleaner-uper, bed maker....okay you get it....I am busy doing.....
JUST what I want to do!!!!

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