Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Blessed Woman!!!

"Momma when I grow up I am going to be a Fireman!!!  And I will SAVE the city!!!  When Bubby grows up he is going to be a Police Officer, and when I am bad....he will arrest me!!!"
 He is SO stinkin' cute!!!
 "Hey Cash, you want to sit with Mommy and I and watch this movie?"
"Sorry Allie, No Can Do...I'm watchin' the race with my Dad!!"
 She is SO darn pretty!!!
 "Mommy is Austin asleep?"
"Yes, Cash he is!"
"GOOD!!!  Can you not wake him up for a long time so I can play his Xbox and he won't yell at me?"
 He is SO handsome!!!
...and me...I am one blessed woman!!!


Coolwhip said...

You are, and so am I!! I can't believe how grown up Austin & Allie look to me!! How did they grow up so fast?! I love Cash's grin...makes me smile!!

Unknown said...

Great pics!! You are so great with portraits! Love them!