Sunday, October 25, 2009


It seems as if these days it is not really easy to capture a picture of my little Princess....
it is like you must have a VIP pass to snap a shot of her!!! Well I should have that pass huh?! HA HA!!
Only if I am lucky!!
Well today I demanded!!! I was talking with a friend of mine and she mentioned to me that she noticed Allie growing up too!!! One day they are this tiny little babe...and the next......
they are this Beautiful Princess!!


Unknown said...

Very cute! Make her stop growing up!! lol ~ and if you figure out how to do that let me know!!

Coolwhip said...

Very nice shots, Mom!! And if you guys can figure out how to at least slow down this growingup process, please please, share your secrets!! I hate that my "babies" aren't babies anymore!!